Need advise about my matured PPF account

Hi Guys,

Here is the scenario:

  • PPF Account got matured in 2023. I forgot to get it extended.
  • Now that maturity happened more than 1 years ago, it can no longer be extended.
  • Post office is asking me to get it closed and withdraw
  • I am hoping to stay invested some how
  • PPF account corpus is in range of 17L. I have other investments in equity MF, so want to keep the PPF part as diversified option.

My options:

  1. Keep it as is and let the interest get accrued. I won't be able to do any new contributions.
  2. Close it and invest the funds elsewhere (maybe Mutual Funds)
  3. Keep it open and do partial withdrawals of 1.5L every year and put that in daughters SSY (not sure if partial withdrawals would be allowed after maturity)

What do you guys suggest? What other investment options are there that would help me get same returns as PPF and allow me to do lumpsum investment of approx. 20L?

Thanks in advance