How much is too much for refinancing costs?
I closed on my house 7/2019. We got a mortgage rate of 3.875. We put 10% down and prepaid the PMI to keep our monthly rate low. The total loan was 566k. We owe today about 557k.
My mortgage broker told me we could refi to 2.85%. The appraisal would be waved and the value of the house would be considered to be 690k. So loan to value would be about 83%.
He gave me two options. The first would be to make a lump sum PMI payment. This would make the total loan with closing costs and escrow about 573k. I would save about $288 a month plus I would be able to skip paying a month so first year savings would be about 8k.
The next option is to pay $109 a month in PMI for a couple years until it drops off. This would result in a loan amount of 569k. Once it drops off my savings would be about 305 a month.
I’m wondering if these numbers sound good? Is 12-15k on the loan an appropriate cost for doing a refi? I’m leaning towards the first option.
Any advice would be appreciated.