Capital One is doing soft credit checks on me every 3 months... I don't like it.
I ran my credit on (the actual free one, that they are legally obligated to supply in my understanding) and on Equifax I am seeing CAPITAL ONE BANK USA NA doing a soft credit check every 3 months or so for the last year. I know that this does not negatively affect my credit score, but it still bugs me. I know this is how they are sending me the "YoU'Re pRe ApProVeD!!!" spam paper mail.
I did some quick googling and I don't see much talk about this online. I find it hard to believe that it doesn't bug anyone else - is there any way to stop Capital One from doing this activity? I find it kind of annoying that they are pulling my credit so often (and I would bet they are turning around and selling that information).
edit: I don't have any accounts with them, so they have no reason to be checking up on me - I also see soft credit checks from a creditor that I do use, and I have no problem with that.