Currently renting, land lord wants to sell the place, ideally to me. Hear me out?

Currently renting a nice home. It has everything I need, huge workshop space, big enough garage for my motorcycle and car, fenced in back yard for my dog. I recently got my finances in check so I finally have several grand in savings. This is where I need someone to tell me this idea is 0% worth even exploring much less take it seriously.

I have a huge spreadsheet with very detailed numbers, so I wont get into the details (unless asked of course)

ALL my expenses equal up to just under 5k a month (rent, utilities, groceries, hobby money, phone bill, etc). I bring home about 6.3k a month after tax (minimum, its closer to 7k in the summers). I save the extra 1.3k per month, with great bonuses and raises every year.

Current rent is 2k. In order to do a FHA loan, id have to do a 401k loan and I can easily withdrawal 24k of my 401k for a down payment on this 375k place. Paying back that loan, plus a higher mortgage (because small down payment would increase my expenses to 6.2k.

So this seems like the kind of situation that I "can" afford on paper, but might end up being stressed about. But god damn its an opportunity to own a home. And, the landlord wont kick me out in order to sell it to someone else, constantly having to move and find places to rent is a stressor in itself, especially because no place I am seeing around me is this cheap, so my expenses are going to go up, regardless if I rent or buy.


I have a roommate, he's a nice guy but really don't want him around long term, long story. The rent is 2k and he pays 1k. those numbers are reflected in the numbers above on income and expenses)


I think if its just the one roommate I currently have, I'm not going through with this. There's a second/additional roommate (who would be better long term anyway) that is interested in the place. If she stays for an entire year (or more), I pocket all her rent money, then by the time she moves out, my income will be higher and my expenses roughly a grand lower (some things will be paid off by then) then its worth looking into more, but no in the exact current situation.


This is SO much info and I love you all for it

LAST EDIT: I got a lot more support for this endeavor than I thought. I'm deciding against it. I don't want to relay on roommates. I just got my head on my shoulders financially last year and I'm finally making an aggressive dent in my debts.

For those curious (rounding up) the loans I was talking about is a car loan and motorcycle loan, (both will be done in two years) total to about $ about 400 on insurance for both. I got a debt loan to help with when I was really stupid that's a few hundred a month. Utilities are 350 a month. Groceries is just a hair less than that. Im putting away roughly 400 a month into savings and all the extra goes to that credit loan I got. I spend about $200 all on my carbon fiber projects/hobbies and going out to eat/general entertainment stuff.