Boss Es-8 complications

Hey guys, Just got through wiring up my ES-8. I’m using the 4CM based off the manual. I’m getting signal but only through the power amp. I’ve lost all pre and volume control. Signal is as follows guitar>input, send volume> amp in, amp send> volume return, output 1/L> amp return. Im pretty sure I haven’t programmed something correctly but this switcher is foreign to me and could use some guidance. Thanks in advance and happy chugs!

Hey guys, Just got through wiring up my ES-8. I’m using the 4CM based off the manual. I’m getting signal but only through the power amp. I’ve lost all pre and volume control. Signal is as follows guitar>input, send volume> amp in, amp send> volume return, output 1/L> amp return. Im pretty sure I haven’t programmed something correctly but this switcher is foreign to me and could use some guidance. Thanks in advance and happy chugs!