Have Windows, company logos, the internet and many other things lost their unique aesthetics, or is it just me? Everything now has a professional clean office (boring) style.

I have the impression that many things used to have more of their own uniqueness than they do today. For example, Windows XP. The green Start button with the blue taskbar. The welcome jingle that is still iconic today. The Bliss wallpaper recognized by millions of people even today.


Now both Windows 10 and 11 have a typical office look that only goes well with a suit with a tie, a clean desk and white walls. The welcome jingle? It hasn't changed since Windows 8 and if I remember correctly it's disabled by default anyway.


The same goes for logos of various companies. Once a show of creativity, now everything is written in a bland Sans Serif Font like some formal letter.



Internet browsers are also similar to each other these days and at first glance it's hard to even recognize one without looking at the logo on the taskbar. Damn, if Microsoft could easily do it, they would probably change the logos on the taskbar to simple names written in the aforementioned Sans Serif Font.


What the hell happened in the last 10-20 years? Why does everything look like someone sucked the life out of it? No creative combinations of colors, patterns, sounds, ideas...It seems that now the trend is black, white and "professionalism."

P.S. I know, I know, I sound like an old timer even though I'm not old yet, but I just feel sad that creativity and "soul" are being killed by some corporate professionalism or something like that.