Installing a video card then and now - this is insane
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I installed my 5090 FE today, after a week of being afraid to risk it burning up. Immediately used my thermal imaging camera to look for high temeperature spots making sure all numbers were in the safe range. Used the clamp meter to check amperage in each of the 16 cables in the 12V-2x6 (H++) 16 pin cable I bought from Seasonic, making sure they were around 9 to 13 watts each. Then used the thermometer gun to make double sure of readings.
This is getting crazy guys. Fire extinguisher is just in case.,..
There is more. So after finally getting my 3 screens up and running in nvidia surround 7680 by 1440 I boot up Skyrim trying to see the imaginary improvement. After a glorious minute of running around I hear a very loud piercing beep that never ends! I grab the thermal gun and like a madman look,for the hot spot convinced I am next in the 5090 melted connector club. But it all looks fine! My nerves were shot when the pc just shut off! I was like, damn it’s RIP! But no, turns out the ups I have could not handle the seasonic 1600 and the 5090. Orders a 2200 watt ups and went to bed.