Will cheating be the end of online multiplayer games at some point?

It feels like it doesn't matter which game. As soon as a game has a sizeable player base, there are cheaters in multiplayer.

Racing games? Speed or grip cheats

Shooter games? Wallhacks, aimbots or recoil scripts

MOBA games? scripts for 0 reaction times

Strategy games (like Civ6)? Maphacks

I am not one to call everyone that wins against me a cheater. Running into the odd rage hacker here or there isn't my biggest concern either. It's the fact that these cheats are adjustable and for every blatant cheater, there are probably 10 careful cheaters you don't immediately notice. It sours the exerience just knowing about them to the point i avoid games, even tho i'd like to play them.

Is there a realistic way of solving the cheating problem, or do we have to wait until developing cheats isn't profitable anymore?