Rule changes - An end to standalone game suggestion posts.
Hello everybody! Today we wanted to take some time and tell you about some changes we're making to the rules and to the weekly threads.
First up, starting April 14th, we will no longer be allowing game suggestion posts on the subreddit.
When we initially went through with this change our concern was that these kinds of posts would get repetitive and generally be low effort. We tried to stop that by requiring a format. That's helped somewhat but at the end of the day some people just want a general gaming suggestion
We could take the easy way out and just push all of these requests to /r/gamingsuggestion or /r/shouldibuythisgame but we understand the draw of wanting to ask the community you belong to what games they recommend you play.
With that said, our plan is to retire both the Free Talk Friday and Beat Your Backlog weekly threads and replace them with a weekly game suggestion post that runs Friday to Sunday. We made this decision due to the low overall participation in those specific weekly threads which doesn't justify them having a stickied spot at the top of the subreddit any longer.
We understand some will be a little disappointed at these changes but we believe a single place to ask for game suggestions will help us focus on the news and discussion topics that we all enjoy reading.
Any questions? Feel free to ask.