Defrauded of over $19,000. Dispute appeals closed despite crystal clear evidence
Hello. This is my last ditch effort before hiring an attorney.
An eBay seller had sent me product much different than the listing. eBay provided a return label and sent back the product. Seller has received the returned product. Refund has not been issued almost two months later.
Opened a PayPal dispute clearly showing what showed up vs what was purchased. The dispute was just closed after I returned the product with the provided return label and still no refund after a month.
Now I am out the money and PayPal is not assisting. I am at wits end and I need assistance with this from a real human to understand how to make this right.
The seller has the returned product AND kept every cent of the money and PayPal is not of assistance.
I am happy to provide claim numbers and any information that may help.