⭐️Interesting facts from Almir Stream(3/20)⭐️

  1. Markus was responsible for the Dragan Files and Dev Updates. He's leaving SBZ to find a new job, but he managed to record a couple of videos for us.
  2. Almir never thought about leaving SBZ. He enjoys working there and has always tried to find solace and energy in the community, in the development team or other projects.
  3. Almir believes that the plot in Payday 3 has not reached the level that he likes. They have a lot of ideas and opportunities on how to do it.
  4. Almir will play PDTH on Tuesday, if there are no problems.
  5. Andreas is currently traveling and is not in the studio at the moment.
  6. Almir believes that developers should first issue masks from the Mask Mania before conducting any other events.
