Games like payday but with more tactical elements/less of a horde shooter?

I've played Payday 2 for 300 hours about now. Initially it was addictive asf but the horde shooter thing is getting really boring and the heists itself don't interest me much as they don't have much of the planning and setup part which is basically half the fun for me. It's all just execution which is also executed poorly. Go to Position x. Hack or drill this. Shoot a billion cops for 5 minutes and/or restart the drill/power, transport bags, end.

I'm not hating the game at all. I understand where people who like it are coming from. But personally I was hoping for say, a blend of "Ready or Not" and GTA Online's heists.

I tried to find mods which would make it more tactical, but sadly either they don't exist or outdated.

I think what would still stick with me well is a mode like DSOD but with less enemies.

Any advice? I love the heist genre in media and it's kinda sad there's not many games about it other than GTA or Payday.