If you truly want payday 3 to succeed, stop pushing negativity

Tl;dr - 1. Negativity is often exaggerated/misinformed, and generally unfair 2. (Unfair) Negativity discourages new players and negatively impacts payday 3's success 3. Telling interested players not to purchase/play pd3 because its "going to shut down" is a self-fufilling prophecy 4. Be critical, but be fair.

It's fine to criticise payday 3, but negativity coming from those who are overly-harsh, ignorant to updates/current state of the game (i.e. not having played since launch, some never having even touched 3 lol), etc should not be tolerated.

  1. Negative responses to "is it worth buying/playing" questions are also commonly misinformed, overlooking positives (i.e. drastically improved stealth and special enemy mechanics) and exaggerating negatives (i.e. weapon stat bars - inconvenient, but not game-breaking). Evidence cited for payday 3 being a dead game is also often misconstrued (i.e. Steam playercounts of 3 being lower than 2, despite 2 being heavily botted and 3 having a significant console playercount).

  2. Putting out misinformed or general negativity is counterproductive to the success of the IP - You are actively deterring new players (on misinformed grounds), reducing interest in PD3 and incentivizing Starbreeze to close up shop. Be fair in informing others about the pros and cons, or about your criticisms.

  3. Stop pushing the "payday 3 will shut down" narrative. By pushing this narrative, you are actively reducing the player count and encouraging the game to be shut down. Rather than outright discouraging interested players from purchasing/playing the game, inform them of what the game is like and its issues, as well as keeping them well aware of its susceptibility to being shut down. Oversimplified negative responses completely eliminate the possibility of new players into the franchise that could incentivise Starbreeze to put more investment into the game.

If you truly love this game and want it to succeed as some of you say you do, avoid putting out unwarranted negativity.

Be critical, but be fair.