Buying legacy collection, or payday 3?
Ive picked up payday 2 again recently, and i wanted to get some dlcs, as i like some of the dlc masks and there are so many gun mods locked behind dlcs, but taking a look at the price, i can get the key from a website i use for half the price of the legacy collection on steam (converting the currency, legacy would be around 25 dollars, and i could pickup payday 3 from that site for like 12 bucks)
I dont know which one i should pick then, ive been hearing so much bad stuff about payday 3 is in general, some changes from payday 2 that make the game worse, and how expensise its dlcs are, but at the same time if i get it now, i feel like the game will last longer than payday 2 (servers wise).
Which one should i pick? Keep playing payday 2 (which i have been quite enjoying) and get either the legacy collection or some specific dlcs, or should i joing the payday 3 bandwagon?