Simulacrum +6 difficulty wave 14/15 clear | stormweaver lightning warp temporalis |expensive~~200div Build
Sparkmage could probably do this for less than half the budget, and choir of storms is obviously the OP way to use temporalis, but I’ve been forcing lightning warp since I first started because I think it’s very fun and satisfying.
Never played path of exile 1, had thousands of hours in Diablo 2,3,4. POE2 blows them all out of the water and optimizing this build has been insanely enjoyable.
For anyone unaware, this simulacrum difficulty is at least 5x harder than level 82 juiced/delirium waystones with 6 modifiers. This build can obliterate all content at this point, including T4 arbiter, breachstones, etc.
Sharing this in case it inspires anyone’s build because I know I’ve spent a lot of time looking at what other people are running for ideas. Also feel free to suggest changes, I’m no POE expert, still learning, and I owe everything to Lexyu’s content for helping me establish the core of this build. Open to any suggestions as well! Still have a lot of gear upgrades and skill points to get, jewel upgrades, etc.
big thanks to this community for helping a new guy learn his way around poe