do people really buy parrots for the talking?

I was scrolling through parrot listings (not to buy, just to look) and so many had ‘ready to talk’ ‘learning to talk’ ‘perfect age for teaching to talk’ and it made me wonder if the mimicking is really something people buy parrots for? Like a main thing? I have a parrotlet and never expected him to mimic but he does and lord did it freak me out the first time. I had completely forgot that parrots could even copy words, but it seems to be something people are really into having? Idk it just sparked a thought and I’m interested in everyone’s thoughts and opinions! For me, the talking is cool, but I’m more interested on like the behaviour of the species of parrots, and what they like to get up to. I think if someone made me choose between a super good talker parrot who was kinda chill and a parrot that just had a big personality but wasn’t much of a talker I’d pick the personality one. I feel like the mimicking also gets kinda annoying sometimes too, as cute as it is. there are only so many times I can hear ‘what you doing what you doing what you doing’ at 8am in a little bird voice before my mind starts to unravel. but admittedly it’s super adorable he’s all cozy and goes ‘babyyy babyyyy’ in a little voice. He also copies the sound of water running whenever I’m doing a water change on my fish tanks so I’m always thinking it’s leaking lol.

What are your thoughts? Is ability to mimic important to you when it comes to choosing a parrot ? (Again I’m not getting another, I just get bored and wishfully scroll through rehoming pages)