What's something about owning a bird you wish you learned BEFORE getting one?
I've been noticing that birds have skyrocketed in popularity as a pet, and with that comes a lot of new bird owners who have no idea what they're doing.
So, what's something you wish you had known before getting YOUR bird?
I'll start: If you aren't ready to go into debt for your bird, odds are you aren't ready for one. I always see posts of sick and/or injured birds with the comments spamming "VET!!" However, a common pattern is the response of "I don't have enough money." Birds are not cheap pets. When a bird seems to have a problem, you have to be willing to drop hundreds of dollars, even if it puts you in debt (I personally have, and I don't regret it one bit).
That $20 budgie you got isn't a "beginner pet." It is an animal that needs just as much investment of time and money and attention as any other animal on the planet!