First timer
I want to start parkrunning regularly this summer but I am scaredd. I just need some reassurance really. I have only run 5ks twice before, both very hilly through the fields and woods and both 37 minutes-ish. I started trying to get into running 3 years ago but wasn't consistent at all and both of those attempts were during that time. I have been running really consistently for the past few months but haven't had the balls to go over 4k, idk why-I do run 2.5 to 4k every day though. I am just a bit scared of the volume but I think parkrun will help me get over that, consistently doing 5k and making it easier to think about doing more yk. I know people walk it but I just want to know if it will seem weird if I am on my own and how seriously do the fast people take it? my easy pace for under 5k is currently 6:20ish so I reckon I could get under 35 minutes but my goal is sub 30 by the end of the year. is this reasonable ? I am hoping to go for the first time this coming Saturday ðð
edit - thank you for such encourage words, I think i will go this weekend ! I had no idea they published results and turns out my local parkrun had 600 runners last week and 200 of them were in the 30-40 min range. I also didn't know you could go early to try and find a first time volunteer, that definitely makes it less intimidating. thank you so much again I feel much more confident ðĪ
edit 2- i did ittt!!!! I managed 32:42, a lot better than I thought considering my local is quite a hilly parkrun and is something like 570 out of 760 parkruns for average time. thank you again I am soo glad i went I feel amazing ð it was so much easier to continue running with people around you or people infront to match pace with, when I run alone I am much less likely to not stop running so I hope this will become a weekly thing for me. thank you again ðððð