Do the weird comments ever stop?

Mostly here to rant but I’m currently 16 weeks with identical triplets (one placenta, 3 sacs. Sorry, I don’t know the lingo for it yet). We’ve told people in person but haven’t made a social media post yet, I’m honestly questioning if we even will because of the weird comments we get. To name a few we get comments like

  • Wow! You guys over achieved!
  • Dad must have had a good night!
  • You know you’re never going to have money/ sleep again.
  • Were they IVF or natural? (I’m not fussed by this one when it comes from doctors etc but just strangers asking is doing me in) And just other horror stories that they’ve heard through their cousin’s husband’s God-mother about triplet or twin birth. And even then my husband hasn’t heard any horror stories, they all say it to me.

Usually strangers make these comments because I already look about 6 months pregnant so when I tell them I’m 16 weeks I get the “Are you sure there’s not two?”

I’m all for people being curious but I don’t get why people ask such invasive questions just because someone is pregnant.

So do the comments from strangers (and even family if we’re honest) ever stop or am I doomed forever?

Edit: Just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the comments. It’s helped change my perspective and outside of the horror stories and invasive question about my sex life I’m going to accept the comments. Suppose I’m going to have to learn to be more of a people person lol.