Happy birthday! I got you pancreatitis!

So I got pancreatitis on my birthday, the day prior we’d gone out for sushi at a nice place, my wife didn’t get sick, initially I thought I had food poisoning. After a night in the ER I was admitted to the hospital where I was in sort of managed agony for 12 days. On the IV meds I’d feel better, but when they wore off I’d go right back to my newly defined 10 on the pain scale. They over-flushed my system and I gained 25 pounds of fluid in the first five days in the hospital and my pancreas was even more swollen on a subsequent ct scan. I don’t drink, and my gall bladder had no stones and the tubing(?) was clear of obstruction. They noted some sludge in my gall bladder but after five more days on the clear liquids I improved significantly switched to oral pain meds for a couple days and tried eating. Pain was never higher than a five those last two days in hospital, and I’ve been convalescing at home for a week. The pain though is not gone. And it’s gotten bad but never higher than a five before I’ll take something, using a strong pain reliever once a day the last 4 days but never at the same time of day; Sometimes morning and sometimes at night. Eating a very low fat diet and joking this is my medical weight loss plan! I’m 6’1 just turned fifty and was around 260lbs when I got sick and I’m now down to 229lbs.

Just got follow up blood work and I’m concerned that my Eosinophils and Basophils are high, and trending upward since last week, while all my other blood counts have returned to normal range, with my RBC on the low side of normal.

I’m a bit anxious. What do these labs mean? When will my guts stop hurting? How can I make them happier? Is this a normal time frame for recovery or am I still sick? I’m feeling like the guy in Monty Python, “I’m feeling better” and my pancreas is the “no you’re not” and now I’m waiting for the club…

Anyone else been here? Am I hypocondriacing (that can be a verb right?)