Relative passed away (most likely murdered)

So someone in my distant family passed away today at 2 am. Her funeral was at 9 pm. Her whole body had gone blue and she even spit out some foam before passing away (common symptom of poison).

I'm not really sure why I am posting this but just want to make people aware. She was only 24! She got married in January, less than 2 months ago. She had her whole life ahead of her, all gone in the blink of an eye.

Her in-laws are saying that she had a heart attack, but the symptoms say something else. He had a burger at 12 am, and passed away within 2 hours. She was brought to the hospital but there was no doctor present in the hospital at that time. This negligence costed her her life.

The hospital didn't want to give her body and were going to call the police, but her family said they don't want her to get torn up so they didn't let the hospital management take any action.

I know I'm no one to accuse anyone, but personally I think her husband is behind this. She and her sister got married to their first cousins (brothers) at the same time and I think her husband would've liked someone else, but just listened to his mother.

This post is just to create awareness, she's been buried now and is hopefully resting in peace. I wish she could get justice but who am I to do anything if her family isn't willing to fight for it?

Anyway, take care of your family. And please don't force your kids to marry their cousins or marry without their will, it'll be better for all of you.

Also, I'd be grateful if y'all would share this to ig or fb to raise awareness. Take care everyone. Keep your loved ones very very close to you guys