My acrylic painting process
Ask me anything!
Azo Gold Pyrole Red Pyrole Orange Cadmium Yellow Burnt Sienna Raw Sienna Burnt Umber Light Transparent Red Oxide Naples Yellow Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Teal Carbon Black White Gesso
I’m painting with fluid acrylics from Golden Paints. I use white gesso to thicken my paint mixes and make them more opaque. I use Satin Glazing Liquid for glazing and thinning my mixes.
For the base sketch I’m using alcohol markers in various brown colors from Copic.
After sketching, I ground my panel with a reddish orange mix of Azo Gold and Satin Glazing Liquid from Golden.
16x16” ultra smooth Claybord panel from Ampersand Art Supply.
Utrecht Mixed Synthetic Flats 4-18 Blick Studio Synthetic Stroke ½” and 1” Hake Brush
French Easel by Julian found at Blick
If you have any questions about my process or materials, ask away!
RED BEACH CHAIR, Acrylic, 16x16”