death threats on qp is crazy

sending death threats on quickplay is just crazy sorry.

for context, i was practicing ana because i’ve always wanted to learn her but haven’t gotten to until now. admittedly, i was also lagging for a bit during the first round and i went negative. we won the first then lost the second, then a ball player in my team told me to go hang myself in team chat before the third round begins.

i get that you should still play to win even if it’s qp. every match is played with the intention to win even if it’s on a more casual mode. but i wasn’t even trying to throw. i just wanted to play ana and learn to play her in an actual match, and i still wanted to win and have fun. i switched to tank (this was an open queue match) for the 3rd round and we ended up winning anyway and my KD improved.

either way, can people learn new heroes in peace which you’re supposed to be allowed to in qp. i can kind of get why they’d be warranted to say it if this was comp but a death threat on a qp match is just crazy.