Is it possible to get unbanned?
I don't wanna be the "I didn't absolutely nothing wrong" kinda guy I trash talk here and there usually when someone in the chat is being rude to anyone else and I don't say anything inappropriate or vulgar it's mostly the "no you're bad at the game" kinda stuff, and oddly I wasn't even home the last week and I just got home today and went to hop on and my account got permanently banned yesterday, so i'm looking for a way to appeal or find out literally anything else about why it's banned. I do have another account that I made in 2019-2020ish but I'd much rather play on the account I put a lot of time and money into so if anyone knows if there's any way to send an appeal or anything please lmk.
(edit) I'm sad but i'm going to give rivals a try right now, and I hope it blows my mind because if not I have lost my favorite game and have nothing to replace it with.