13700KF - As the dust settles on the fried CPUs disaster, what settings do i run long-term? Help a noob, please.

Hello to everyone and thanks for whoever will take the time to read my post and help me.

If this is out of topic and not pertaining enough to "Overclocking" i am sorry.

Around one year ago i built THIS pc, which never really had any problems even throughout all the intel 13th generation problems that occurred a few months ago. Back then i kept updating the bios of my mobo and fiddling with settings for fear of being one of the many casualties.

In the end i settled for switching SVID Behavior from Intel Failsafe (which is the standard setting of my mobo btw, to "Typical scenario" and that seemed to fix the high temps i had on cinebench (with intel failsafe, cpu would instajump to 100c)

Mind you, this was all done through hours of digging on reddit/youtube/asus forums during which i was desperately trying to find which settings i should run to avoid frying my cpu, since again, i dont understand anything about those settings.

Now, months later, repasted and remounted my cooler, and many bios updates later (which should, theoretically, "fix" the problems) i ask of you experts. What settings should i use to have the peace of mind that 1) I'm not killing my cpu 2) I'm not gimping it and losing performance for it to not kill itself?

In the Asus mobo "ai tweaker" page, the only knowledge that i have is how to toggle xmp on or off. Everything else on the list i do not understand.

Please, could someone tell me exactly which settings i should run so i can have some peace of mind?

Thank you very much for your help.