[Hakuoki] I made an another flowchart for Hakuoki: Chronicles of Wind and Blossom!
So four odd years ago I made a flowchart for Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds. Now that the Switch version finally come out in English (I know I'm a bit late, but my backlog is truly never ending so I just around to it) I figured I'd update it for the new translation, give it a visual glow up, and fix any errors in the first one I noticed while replaying. Said errors were mostly harmless, but I did manage to swap a couple answers. And I somehow completely forgot Sanan's second exclusive scene... (Sorry about that, Sanan. Still love you. Even if you can be a bit... shifty at times.)
You can access and download it through this link. I'll also attach it to the bottom of this post.
I hope this helps some of the more visual people navigate the nightmare that is Kyoto Winds' common route. I did my best to get everything right this time, but please let me know if there are any errors. Oh, and if anyone's curious I used draw.io to create this chart.
Now if you're still here, I'm just gonna ramble about some interesting (to me at least) things I thought about while working on the chart. Because I need to get them out of my head after working on this thing for literal days.
- Assuming I counted correctly there are 279 dialogue options in the common route. This is actually 6 more than shown on the chart. I didn't include all of the options for one of Souma's scenes since they have no effect on his affection.
- There are two sections where you can't avoid getting affection for someone, January 1864 and November 1867. This means that the lowest total affection you can clear the common route with is 2.
- Yamazaki's the only character where you can actually miss his exclusive scenes. You have tospy on Okita getting the bad news from the doc with Saito and Yamazakior his scenes in August 1865 and February 1867 won't occur. Missing them doesn't stop you from getting his route, but they're adorable so it's definitely a big loss.
- Iba and Souma both have exclusive dialogue options where no choice raises their affection, typically because they don't hear Chizuru's resulting dialogue. Souma actually has three of these.
I've paid for this game three times now. Idea Factory, please translate the fandisks.Please, I'm begging you. I'm speaking with my wallet, so please respond.- They actually say Chizuru's name in the voice lines in Kyoto Winds if you leave it. I distinctly remember that they didn't in the PC version, but maybe there was just something funky about my game?
- For some reason most dates are pushed back by around one month in Chronicles compared to the original translation (at least during the common route).
Notice the difference in dates. Chronicles (left) vs. PC Kyoto Winds (right)
- Here's a table showing how many affection points you can earn for each LI and how many exclusive scenes they have.
Love Interest | Total Affection Points | Exclusive Scenes |
Toshizo Hijikata | 11 | 2 |
Souji Okita | 12 | 5 |
Hajime Saito | 11 | 3 |
Heisuke Toudou | 11 | 4 |
Sanosuke Harada | 12 | 3 |
Chikage Kazama | 5 | 2 |
Shinpachi Nagakura | 9 | 3 |
Keisuke Sanan | 8 | 2 |
Susumu Yamazaki | 8 | 2 |
Hachiro Iba | 8 | 8 |
Kazue Souma | 7 | 8 |
Ryouma Sakamoto | 8 | 7 |
And that's it. If you actually bothered to read all that, thank you very much for entertaining my thoughts. I hope you found at least some of it interesting. I also hope that you'll join me in prayer that we might one day be blessed by translations for the fandisks.
Finally, here's the new and improved flowchart! Happy otome gaming everyone!