More Dakka!
Played the new detachment against my friends Salamanders last night. Lost by 2 VP.
Here are my highlights/things to remember: 1. This detatchment makes Tankbustas even more of a nightmare for terminators, they killed an entire unit plus librarian in one shooting phase 2. I need to remember I can overwatch when a unit disembarks. Pretty sure shooting the tank with my Flash Gitz lost me the game 3. Speaking of sustained 2 on Flash Gitz is lunacy - I need more (also need to say we play legends and Badrukk makes this unit nuts) 4. I forgot multiple times that you don't get the sustained in overwatch 😭 5. I had SO MUCH FUN 6. It might be some form of Ork heresy but Ghaz never feels as good as he should. Makari did prevent 14 damage though...