Test list I'm bringing this weekend

Really liking this new detachment so this is my take on a list without spamming to much.

General plan: turn 1 slingshot Boyz from trukks onto my safe expansion with 3" disembark +movement and also the center objective depending secondaries and to bait opponents out from behind cover and sticky the objectives. Great for turn 1 extended battlelines, secure no man's land, or area denial

If I go second turn 1 I may spend the CP to let the tankbustas Waaaagh and let them assault rokkits my opponents safe expansion objective. Also have the weirdboy da jump some shoota Boyz and harass their home objective, especially if I have the CP to give them the additional -1 AP. Both will Also be good for turn 1 containment or behind enemy lines for the weirdboy. Possibly even storm hostile objective if the boys can get a charge off into the home objective.

Kanz and skorcha dread will be waiting in reserves. Skorcha dread will be rapid ingressed next to my safe expansion side for -2AP torrent and decent overwatch.

Burnas will be walking up to basically provide some redundancy for the skorcha dread.

Rokkit kanz will come in from reserves on the same side for anti-tank coverage since the tankbustas will be on the opposite side.

Grotzooka kanz will come in from reserves on the same side as the tankbustas to help mow down any infantry holding my opponents expansion objective.

KMB dread will hang out in back with the mek and get LOS into the center to assist with whatever needs it.

After the Boyz get yeeted out of the trukks turn 1, the nobz and flashgitz swat teams will embark into the trukk waiting for the turn 2 or even turn 3 Waaaagh to kill anything in range.

Lootas and sag mek will hang back on my safe expansion side to help provide long range cover into whatever needs it in the moment

Stormboyz hang back in reserves for deepstrike action monkey nonsense.