Piper Chapman is the WORST .

(I'm only startibg the show now!! I'm on S:3)

Nothing can describe my absolute HATRED for Piper in this entire damn show, but season 3 takes the cake. She acts so gangster and as if she's not just some privileged, prissy asshole who's a love hungry whore. God, she acts like firing Flaca, cheating on Alex, and getting Stella put in MAX is soemthing sooo cool. SHE LITERALLY SAID, "I'm gangsta", BITCH, NO YOU'RE NOT. She pisses me off so much and I never liked her after the cheating on Larry shit. Not only is her story the most BORING out of all the other inmates, she's also the most boring character. God, I hate her so much. I really, really, REALLY hope she gets checked and humbled real quick, because the way she's acting is NOT cute.. I like P and Taystee a LOT more..