Wait wait wait
I was reading another theory about the gods when something stood out to me. Why is any god, let alone two, trying to “curry the favor” of a human? Usually it’s the other way around. Humans try to seek the favor of the gods.
Also, there are six gods. If we’re following the established pattern, probably there is a seventh, more powerful god. So what would the domain be of a seventh, more powerful god? We have death, war, luck, love, wisdom, and the queen of the gods (whose land is the continent).
Traditionally, the domain of the head of most pantheons is the heavens and lightning. We see that with Zeus, Jupiter, and Thor/Odin. Even Ra is a sun god.
No way is Violet being the lightning weilder who can command the sky to give up its power and bonded the only seventh, most powerful dragon on the continent a coincidence.