Hyena sighting in Caledon?
Today while mushroom hunting on a very remote spot in the Credit river I heard loud rustling coming from about 20 metres away. Thinking it was a deer I yelled EH to get it’s attention. When I saw nothing I yelled EH again louder. That’s when a massive hyena looking thing poked its head up and hissed like a cat. It just stood there and stared at me until I slowly walked away very scared of what I just saw. Has anyone else heard of any hyena sightings in Ontario? Besides a hyena what could it be? It wasn’t a domestic dog or a coyote it was way to big. It was beige with black stripes and moved very slowly. It also had a very narrow face.
EDIT I will go back to the same spot today and receive hard evidence for all the non believers.
EDIT2 I am unable to respond to comments for some reason but I am still highly convinced that’s it’s a hyena. Non believers will be brought to their knees with the evidence I will find today. It could also be a wild boar but I doubt the given they don’t live around here.