BREAKING: Trump Militarizes The National Gaurd In An Absolutely GroundBreaking Development

In a surprisingly tyrannical move Trump has militarized the National Guard against many states, Including shutting down the Protest in Chicago using their National Gaurd. He has commented that "It was a Necessity" and that "We are in a time of strife" adding on finally "We must protect my people"

Many governor's have broken their respective republican ranks and appealed to senators to (From George McHenry) "Impeach that dictator into smitherings"

Another quote from a Pennsylvanian senator (John Fetterman) "These are tough times, my people need me, But the government won't allow me to help them"

And finally a quote from Civilian Davis Wroungwell "I have never, and will never support tyranny, Bring that dictator down!"

In other news, Trump Reorganizes the F.D.A (Food and drug Administration) Into absolutist proportions.