European here. The past few weeks have really cemented in my mind a new view of Canada.

I can't speak for a whole continent, of course. But ever since Trump's inauguration and his talk of making Canada the 51st state, the world's eyes have increasingly been on your country.

And during the past two months, listening to your leader's speeches, reading about your history, browsing your memes, it has all given me a new appreciation for your distinctiveness.

You are not just "More chill Americans who like hockey and have the queen on their money". That's the old stereotype.

You are too bilingual. You are too good at settling your differences (of which there are seemingly plenty). You are too modest and you are too dutiful.

You guys didn't get attacked halfway through WW2 and then boast about being everyone else's saviour. You chose to help us freely from the beginning of the war and you never rubbed it in our faces.

Your national character is now very noticeably different and I admire it deeply.

Your determination and courage sets an inspiring example and your effort to uphold democracy is something I am grateful for.

Thank you, that is all.