Got height-shamed by my cousin sister who is legally a Dwarf
I'm 175 cm tall, with a natural v-taper, lean and muscular built with below 6% body fat. Overall, I'm a 7-8 out of 10 approximately when it comes to attractiveness.
This is me:
Last year, I went to my mausi (Mom's Sister) on the occasion of Holi. She has two daughters, and both are elder to me.
Now, the elder one, who is around 4 feet 9 inches tall (Adults below 4 feet 10 inch are considered legally dwarf) told me that I am too short and most of her friends and acquaintance are way taller than me! Imagine!
I wanted to give a reply but ignored her considering that she was elder to me and my mausi would feel bad.
But, just look at the audacity, I mean, apart from being legally a dwarf, she is fat and has a recessed jaw, I don't want to say this but she is around 1 to 1.5 on a scale of 10 in attractiveness.
At the end of the day she was my cousin and more like a sister so I never forged any opinions about her based on her looks but that day she really pissed me off.
But here is the interesting thing, being 5 foot 9 inch tall, the last girl with whom I went on a date with was almost 6 feet tall and 6 feet two inches tall with heels.
She never had any problem with me being shorter than her
Why is it so that only short, fat and ugly Indian girls have so much entitlement and expectations?