First time buyer: GT or X7?
Hi All, I have wanted to try out a Onewheel for a long time, and after renting/riding one around for the first time, I'm hooked and looking to buy my own! I've been researching a bit and think I've narrowed it down to either the GT or the Funwheel X7, as they both seem to meet my main criteria - price, and a bit higher torque to handle my weight (~225lbs).
I think my biggest questions/concerns now revolve around Vesc vs. Future Motion. I am a bit of a tinkerer in general, so I don't mind pulling things apart and repairing if I need to, but I also don't want that to come at the cost of reliability. From my understanding, Future Motion tends to give you less customization options within their firmware than the Vesc alternatives, but I don't really know to what extent, or how much that really matters for me. I don't plan on doing anything too extreme, mostly general leisure riding with my wife or some off-road trails here and there.
Just hoping some people might be able to provide a bit of insight into what to expect with one platform vs the other, or how much someone like me could expect it to impact their experience. Part of me is leaning towards the X7, largely because of the higher torque. The board I originally rode was an XR, which did fine on pavement, but I noticed that sometimes it had a little trouble getting started when I was in rougher terrain. Sure, the GT offers more than this, but is it enough?