First onewheel - Pint S or XR (classic new)

I'm finally getting a Onewheel, and am debating whether to get a ping S or an XR.

I'm 70kg (155lbs), 1.77m (5'8"). I snowboard 1w / season (somewhere on the cusp between beginner and intermediate). I'm not a super adventurous person, so I'd be using it mostly for commute to the train (about 2 miles), some occasional easy trails, and for close errands. I will not get into modding, as I don't have time.

I understand the differences in specs, and what really keeps me undecided is probably stability vs manuverability.

On the one hand, I do plan to do most rides in the city. On the other hand, I'm a bit worried about the Pint being less stable.

Is the XR significantly hard to navigate in the city? Is the Pint really that unstable?

I did try a pint for 5m, but couldn't quite get the hang of it in such a short time, but it did feel a bit wobbly.