OG Pint firmware hydrus 5205 completely screwed up ride modes
Anyone else have the latest hydrus 5205 firmware on their stock pint? I'm coming from gemini and wasn't sure what to expect given that FM (btw FFM) said new firmware tweaks were coming to pint x with the launch of s. I almost always ride on pacific mode and once I got on after the update I immediately noticed the higher nose height when turning (similar to the tunable turn compensation on other models).
I thought it felt pretty good and even a bit more stable when carving, but WAY less torquey. Even my braking force seemed lower, way easier to scrape my tail on a stop. Then when picking up speed my nose would dip way more, no buzz or pushback.
On my 1 mile trip the board cut out and threw me 3 times, full nosedive. The first one I recovered from and just scraped my front but it felt like I was running out of torque, whereas in my 1000 miles on prior firmware I had plenty of torque. The other nosedives were complete shutoffs. I'm almost certain that it wasn't from the footpad, although the footpad has been iffy sometimes on getup. In 1000 miles I have NEVER gotten thrown off from a nosedrive (other than knowingly riding through pushback) and now post hydrus update I wiped out three times on pacific mode.
I did switch to skyline to see if the torque was just locked there and I felt a bit more confident speeding up, but it's still way more sus than on prior firmware. I stg I wouldn't be surprised if FM just handicapped their cheapest board to make the X/S seem soooo much better. Kinda super annoyed that FM would stealth drop a firmware update with no patch notes only for my board to be way more fucked than earlier.
If anyone has updated their OG Pint to the hydrus 5205, PLZ share your experience.