Story time! Thanks FM

So after some very frustrating times, new footpads, and dealing with FM customer service, I had to send my board in for repairs. My board started throwing me off after I got a new footpad and thought that the footpad sensor was the issue. FM sent me out a new footpad no issue and the problem continued to persist. I contacted FM again and they suggested I send my board back to them to look at it.

I have had my board for almost a year now and was worried about the warranty expiring on me. They took my board in and after about a week of my board being gone I received an email saying my board was being returned to me! I looked through the details and discovered that they replaced my controller and sent it back, no charge. Obviously this is something that people would expect with the amount of money we spend on our board. I bought my GT new from a dealer. I know that there has been a lot of stigma regarding FM and their customer support and just wanted to share that it's not all bad!! I answered the questions I was asked and submitted the videos they required and end the end they honored my warranty even though my board is pretty beat up visibly and had had it for basically a year when sending it in.

Food for thought.