Soon-to-be first time OnePlus owner here!!

My current phone is a piddly little Samsung Galaxy A15, 4 gb max ram. Got it last April as an emergency replacement for my beloved Motorola (RIP 2022-2024) and tbh I was never crazy about it because it's always been laggy. However as time has gone on it's gotten to a point where I can't use Discord without my keyboard constantly closing itself or the YouTube mini player crashing and it's finally driven me nuts to the point where I've decided to upgrade. Was about to get the 2024 Motor G Power since it was basically the same but with double the ram until I relayed my smartphone woes to my little brother and he showed me his OnePlus 12r. Long story short, despite the lack of audio jack and SD card compatibility, he sold me on it and I was able to get a pretty good deal from Best Buy and only paid about $220 for it out of pocket (less than what I paid for this piece of junk, that's for sure). It's supposed to arrive Wednesday and to say I'm stoked is an understatement!!

So... any suggestions for a newbie like me to help keep this thing happy and healthy as long as possible? Besides NOT dropping it off a third story motel balcony like with the Motorola, that is. 😅 Thanks!!