How many of you OADers are medicated?

Had a thought earlier and it made me curious to know how many of you are medicated for anxiety, depression or any other mental health issues.

I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid; ADHD as well, which I was only recently diagnosed with, as well as mild OCD. I knew if I ever had a child, it would be a one and only - and pregnancy, child birth and postpartum only confirmed this.

I tried anxiety meds within my first year postpartum as my anxiety got very difficult to live with, and unfortunately the type I took gave me a bad reaction and scared me enough to stop taking it after a few days. I never tried anything else, toughed it out, found a good therapist and eventually found something else that worked for me.

I just can’t help but wonder, if the meds had worked or if I pursued another type, would I have felt differently postpartum and possibly felt I was capable of having another? At this stage in my life I am more than happy with one and I have no plans to have another, just curious to see everyone’s perspective on this!