Being an adult is hard
Being an adult is hard. You realize all the things your parents do are disgusting and you realize that they’re just not good people at all. In this case it’s my dad.
I grew to hate my mother. My mom always accused me of plotting with my dad, lying to her, and I genuinely thought she was a narcissist because everything I did was to make her proud and happy, but I was never successful. My dad would constantly tell me she’s manipulative and just emotional, and I believed him. He convinced me to move out because my mom was a horrible person but today, the day I leave my mom, I found out everything, and now I’m crying in the airport.
My dad has been lying to her since I was a baby. He would get us in financial trouble/do something bad, and hide it from my mom and my mom was always the one to “find out” and catch him. I found all of this out today while my mom was crying and begging me not to leave her alone. He would always hide things from her, and even resorted to telling my brother to lie to her about his grades. She thought I knew about all of this, hence why she has trust issues with me. I can’t believe my dad told me she was crazy even though he caused her to act the broken way she does.
My dad also decided he was “moving out” today. But he confessed to me he’s been in an affair for 5 months last night. My mom thinks he’s staying with his male friend and that he’s “trying to fix the relationship with space” but while he was dropping me off at the airport he kept talking to me about his new woman. My poor mom lost everything today all of a sudden because of my dad, and I can’t believe that I fell for this. She was begging my dad not to leave. She was begging me not to leave. My dad is a horrible person and the master manipulator. I don’t know what to do. I never lied to my mom. And because of my dad telling me about his affair, if she asks me if I knew about it, she’ll feel betrayed by me. I hate my dad for putting me in this situation.