I want kids.
Im 29 and i want to have children. For the last 5 years or so people feel the need to tell me every God damn reason I shouldn't. BUT I DON'T FUCKING CARE! "But living costs are going to rise" I DON'T CARE "but climate change" I DON'T CARE "you're being selfish" I DO NOT FUCKING CARE. YES I AM SELFISH. I WANT TO HAVE A CHILD. PERIOD.
It is my and ONLY my decision and I don't give a flying fuck what you think about it. I love children, I love my 2 year old niece and I'm exited to let her meet her cousin some day.
Of course life's gonna get more tough, always has for me, I grew up poor I don't give a shit about not being able to own a house or something I never have, I never will. I refuse to let my life's dream be ruined by possible hardship, life's tough, i got used to it so let me fucking be.