I’ve started having sex with my friend’s girlfriend
They are both homeless. I sort of am too I stay with a friend right now but it is a temporary thing I still feel like I’m on the street and just stay out sleeping wherever I want a lot of nights.
I’ve known him for a couple years. We get along, most people don’t like him because of his mental illness he is bipolar schizophrenic, but I’m manic bipolar so we sort of balance each other out and ask each other what we think about things a lot.
This girl shows up about a year ago and our entire friend circle fell for her. She was with a guy but he was an abusive meth dealer so I had him put away one day when he shoved her into the street and pulled a knife. People can talk shit but I have no problem calling police over something that stupid.
I rescued her a few times in situations like that and we did spend a few weeks sleeping next to each other and fooling around, just a little though mostly we were just getting along as friends. My friend ended up quickly developing serious feelings for her so I backed off and told him I shouldn’t spend the night with her and I asked her not to hug and love on me so much because it makes me confused about things.
They became a couple and things were good. They’ve been together 6 months or so but they have been fighting more and more. Everytime they fight now he tries to leave her and go into a homeless shelter but before he can get in she convinces him to stay and not leave her alone.
Recently though she caught him in the act with his social worker. He ran away and when the worker got out of her car she just slapped her hard across the face hard, knocked her glasses off. The worker called the police and had her arrested.
She handed her bags to some dude with instructions to give the stuff to her dude when he came back. He really had decided he was done with her though when he got the bags he took all her money, her alcohol, and her cigarettes and then just took off.
He didn’t want to stash her bags or even carry them and it was everything she owned so I hid them behind some bushes under a bunch of leaves. A few hours go by and they let her out, she runs into me downtown and is a total wreck and a mess.
I help her get her stuff and some alcohol and cigarettes. I have a pretty good hustle I dance around in public for money, so I can usually help friends out like that if they really need the help.
That night we slept next to each other in the park. It wasn’t a romantic thing, it was cold and we had no blankets no nothing, not even very warm clothes we just embraced for warmth. When she woke up she had no idea where she was and was super grateful that she woke up near someone she knows wouldn’t take advantage of her.
The next day we are spending with each other and she is being just ridiculously nice and flattering to me. I get her some clean clothes from the thrift store and we stop and talk to another friend for a bit.
This friend heard the way she was talking about me and just decided to play wingman I guess for fun? Cause he started just going on and on about how cool I always stay and how I’m a real soldier and blah blah blah. Stupid stuff, made me roll my eyes.
Guess it worked though. We walk to the end of this little street downtown and she asks me to hug her. Happy to do that whenever she is upset. This time though she reached down to start waking me up and get my attention down there, telling me that we should get a motel room NOW
So I did I had us in an Uber and we were in a room undressing within half an hour. Incredible sex, best I’ve ever had. We enjoyed the rest of our time at the room and the next day she decided she wanted a ticket back to her home state.
On the way to the station she passes out stone drunk on the sidewalk. I stayed with her and put her on her left side, made sure her breathing was good and at first just kept an eye on her.
It was a very busy intersection though, right in front of a very busy very renowned theme park. More people kept having to walk around us and were being nosy why is this hot girl sleeping on the sidewalk it just looked bad.
I was not able to wake her up and all I yelled her names and pinched/twisted the skin on her hand nothing worked not even saying I was gonna steal her bottle of fireball. I called paramedics I figured it’s better than police.
They wouldn’t let me go with her and the hospital said that she couldn’t have visitors. So I went back home and figured that was that. She really doesn’t have a phone usually she loses them or they get stolen. So I figured she would just go into treatment then she would leave town.
But nope she comes back the next day and I see her with her boyfriend like nothing happened. I stay cool about all of it and I’m relieved I figure things are back to normal.
They have still been fighting so much though. Yesterday they had a big fight in the morning and she decided me and her were dropping everything and going to the beach.
We had fun but she was also what I can only really describe as a high maintenance needy demanding date most of the time. Had to have me play only her music that she needed for hours while she told me about all her exes and traumas. Fooled around in the sand a little but not a lot more than making out.
Got really fed up and lost patience with her after a certain point. We argued off and on the entire way back. I told her I thought that we made a mistake and should just forget it happened but she doesn’t feel that way.
She said she needs us both. She wants to stay with him which I can’t hate her for it they are in love. She says she loves me too and claims she loves me more than him, but that she can’t abandon him she sees him like a son in a lot of ways(she lost a child)
So I asked her if that means she wants me as like a side piece basically and she said yeah. I said ok cause at least I understand what she wants now.
We get back in town and he is obviously very upset. It’s a terrible thing but we are just lying to him. I begged him to take her off my hands I was so done with all her BS by that point.
Part of me thinks the best thing is to tell him the truth, and another part of me thinks I should just avoid them both entirely for a little while so they can just figure out if they want to be together or not.
She is trying really hard to keep me around though and always have reasons for me to stop by. Part of me wants to tell her that if she wants to be with me then she has to dump him. But no matter what I don’t see this woman ever being monogamous.
Edit: UPDATE: Ran into them after going to see my counselor. She was passed out with her head in the sun and his stupid ass told me she had been that way for 3 hours.
He couldn’t wake her up. So I wake her and I started chewing her out she had an open bottle and knives just lying around all over the place I swear they want to get rolled up on.
I told her she needs to get her shit together so everyone else around her doesn’t have to care for her. I really insulted her by asking her if she is like BETHANY(fake name for an actual person), who is so messed up she just passes out and pees all over herself all the time. She didn’t like that at all and told her BF that only I am allowed to talk to her that way 🤣
I got her some water though and forced her to start drinking it. I’m washing some clothes then I’m gonna go back and check on them again. Gonna tell him his new orders as a soldier are to make sure this street witch drinks at least as much water as she does whiskey. We’ll see.