My boyfriend commented on my eating and I can’t get past it
I made chicken tacos today. We each had two and I went back and got some more rice and he made the comment “your stomach is only the size of a fist” with sad eyes as I was sitting back down. I am fat and struggle with my weight, but it still bothered me how he went about broaching the subject as it didn’t feel like a helpful comment to make.
I told him it bothered me and he said he was just trying to be helpful and he compared it to how I was prodding him to get his tax materials in order for our tax appointment next week. I felt like it wasn’t an accurate comparison at all.
It’s been a couple hours since he said it and he told me he was hungry and asked if I was hungry too and I said no, so he went and made more food. That really bothered me because how is me eating extras and stopping different from him eating every two hours? Am I being too sensitive about this?