What is actually going on right now?

Its like everyone is just sitting back and allowing him to take over. I don't understand how we got here. He is peeling back all the process we've made as a country. I don't see how a majority of people thought this would be the right answer. He's been in office for what? A week? He is claiming that Native Americans aren't American. Mass deportations, rolling back DEI, trying to get rid of fema, withholding funds from the people who lost their homes in the fire in LA. Last night he fired 15 inspector generals. Nothing that is happening makes sense.

I don't see how this man is able to do all this stuff and it not get voted on? How is he able to have THIS MUCH POWER? I think what is even more concerning is how all these people and companies are following suit. I truly don't understand... How are people not outraged? I don't get it... I don't get people don't see that he is stripping right away left and right? I.... I just.... I just don't know what to do anymore.

What does he possible have that all these people want to follow and fund his non sense. Have the majority of people in this country just been hiding how racist they really are? Have people just been placating us? Have the majority of you been this filled with hate from the last 50/60 years? Do you really think by erasing history it will absolve you all the sins committed? I am just so scared...