People think I'm smart and articulate, but I'm actually just good a bullshiting
I'm constantly praised for how articulate I am and my ability to utilise words. The way I explain things and display knowledge and interest. That is all an illusion, people think I'm well educated on phycology and philosophy, no, I'm not I just make it up. I put an expensive jacket on a flee market dress, and convince people it's an expensive, designer outfit, when only a part of the outfit is.
I use my small bit of knowledge and turn it into a novel. Frick, on My other reddit account I've had people dm saying I seem cool or interesting, when their only impression of me are my posts, that are half about my experiences and half are just my Impulsively spitting out words I barely understand.
I talk like I know shit, I don't, I'm half convinced philosophy and ethics is just how well can you ramble and knowing when people will stop believing. Saying as much as you can while saying nothing.
People think I'm adding to a conversation, but every world that comes out my mouth is an Impulsively mistake that I now have too make sound believable. The strangest part being they always believe me. They even think I'm intelligent, despite the fact I have a low IQ, and would bullshit them something completely different if the conversation had happened a different day.
They say fake it till you make it, but I'm not sure I'll ever make it, I don't even know what I'm making?