Growing Older Is Getting to Me

As I’ve gotten older, the friends that I have made growing up either have a life of their own and/or simply do not reach out to me as I do to them. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, as an only child of divorced parents, I have been unable to truly be a part of a core friend group that stick around for a good while. Unless if it’s someone that wants to be in a relationship with me, I have no one to hang out with for anything without the fear that there is a motive to hang out.

Outside of work, nothing seems to be working in regards to meeting new people and networking, building new friendships or getting out of my comfort zone to go on dates with other people, even if it’s nothing serious. I just get a response that dismisses everything or I get ghosted.

I’m just at a point in my life where Im witnessing others have fun with their core friend group of 10/20 years or people going out having dates or being a part of a hobby/interest event and I’m missing out on human connections. I’ve been Reaching out to others, going to events and attempting to be a part of SOMETHING has yet to happen. I’ve done solo trips alone and gone to events but it still feels lonely.

I understand that it’s a part of getting older and it’s not easy but it’s getting to me. I’m thankful that everything else in my life is going fine but with this aspect of my life not existing anymore, it feels like I’m just doing a routine of nothing. I just want to make music with people, eat and drink at places, go on dates, etc but I’ve become the one that isn’t invited/involved anymore and it sucks.

For anyone that’s has it is going through this, how have you coped?