I’m tired of seeing an awful person being praised online

You may have seen this guy. He acts like a good ole boy who's super progressive and woke, makes tiktoks about acceptance, discrimination etc, has a nonbinary spouse. Over and over I see him praised for being such a great ally, but here's the thing. I know him in real life, and he's awful like literally the most narcissistic person I've ever met. The person he portrays himself as online is absolutely not who he is in real life on multiple levels. I’ve noticed he says things that aren’t strictly lies but he’s definitely skewing the truth in order to fit this narrative he has. Back when I used to hang out with him his friend group was a rotating cast of characters, he was always "making friends" but I thought it was weird after a while that the friends never stuck around very long. He's really manipulative and drove away the few friends who stood by him because he threatened su!cide to a friend who has personal trauma surrounding su!cide and he knew this, he essentially held her emotionally hostage and triggered her PTSD. He also isolated his spouse back when they were just dating, cut them off from their friends, made them feel bad for spending time with anyone other than him then convinced them to move in with him in a really remote area where it was hard for them to see anyone but him. Now they're married so I can only imagine the short leash he keeps them on now. I know that "tiktok influencer actually terrible person" isn't exactly stop the presses breaking news but I just get so frustrated seeing him put on this pedestal when he's so horrible. It’s been a long time since I hung out with him for all the reasons listed above but it still ticks me off when I see people who don’t actually know him talk about what a great guy he is.