i shot my shot. GUYSSS😭

context: how do people shoot their shot at nyu? (joke but not really...(?)) pls answer.

(got taken down idk why?)


heyyyyy guys. so basically, a while back, i made a post asking how i should shoot my shot, and i finally did. can’t even explain HOW anxious i was--my hands were SHAKINGGGG, and i almost backed out like three times.

there’s this guy i kept seeing around "campus" and in one of my classes. we never talked, but we’d make eye contact a lot, and at some point, i started noticing him more. he has dimples when he smiles, and he's so CUTEE hehehe bro is actually so fine.

so after debating....... i decided i’d do it after class, just as everyone was leaving. my plan was simple: casually walk out at the same time as him, say something chill, and not embarrass myself. easy, right? ?? NO. because the class ended, my nerves kicked in, and i sat there pretending to scroll on my phone while LITERALLY feeling my heartbeat come out of my chest.

but then, as he started walking out, my body just moved. i looked up and said, "hey, um-" (yes, um. tragic, but stay with me.) "i think you're really cute." (just to preface thats not what i wanted to say, i wanted to say something casual and friendly and THENNN build my way up). i felt my face heating up.

BUT bro. when i tell you the way he turned to me so fast. like, this man lit up when I said that-. and then he smiled slightly-- HIS DIMPLES.. he said, "oh wow, thank you," (at this point i was regretting my decision so hardddd) he looked a little shy too-. his friend came up and they just looked at eachother, and ig his friend understood the situation and giggled as he walked off (i was dying inside atp btw) THEN he looked at me again, and smiled—like, FULL DIMPLES, full eye contact, no hesitation AND THEN he hit me with, "i was actually hoping we'd talk sometime." EXCUSE MEEEEEE??!?!?!??!?!


and just like that, we did. we walked out together, talking. before we split ways, he asked if i wanted to grab coffee sometime. i said yes.

now we’ve been texting, and he’s really easy to talk to. we’ll see where it goes, but honestly? i’m just so glad i went for it. thank u to evb who told me to go for it.

thank you to everyone who told me to shoot my shot.
(last time mentioning this but... HIS DIMPLES, Y'ALL.)