My ORAS Nuzlocke
Had an awesome time with an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke so I wanted to do a full write up about it. Thanks for reading!! I wanted to use a fun team with some pokemon that are too difficult or bad in the original gen 3 games for one reason or another (lack of infinite tms, phsyical special split, too hard to find (like Feebas or Spiritomb), improved typing (like Mawile)) and thus came up with this team:
- Only catch first pokemon in each area
- No over leveling the next gym leader
- "Blind" Run - no looking up sets or teams
- No legendaries (no Latios, Groudon, etc)
- No Mega Evolutions
- Set Battle Mode
Interesting scenarios I came across:
- Forced to use a master ball to get out of an accidental encounter with a Nasty Plot Azelf (obviously couldnt use it, but it was the first pokemon in the area)
- Altaria died to a random old lady that does triple battles that I never new existed
- My Minun died to an Azumarill rain dance boosted attack, but overall Minun was a surprisingly great pokemon that carried key moments of the run.
- Other Deceased members:
- Because of the exp share, I often was in danger of over leveling, and thus I ended up with a "B" team that included more interesting pokemon, like Spiritomb, who hard countered Wally's Gallade.
Elite 4:
First, I want to say that I really enjoyed planning for each fight of the Elite 4 by switching move sets around with the infinite TMs. Also Glacia was extremely sketchy, because I thought Walrein would have Earthquake, so I switched Solrock into a Surf! It lived with just 11 hp. I later made another screwup as I thought Froslass wouldnt use an Ice move on Castform in hail and so I switched Sceptile into a Blizzard. It was frozen and left with 3 HP but managed to live as hail ended that very turn.
Mawile was the lead for all of the first four members of the Elite 4. Its Play Rough beat a decent portion of Sidneys team, Crunch for Pheobe, Iron Head for Glacia, and Play Rough again for Drake. Very underated pokemon because that typing is phenomenal offensively and defensively. I dont think he came close to dying the whole run. Maybe the biggest surprise of the run for me.
Castform was the lead for the champion - Its diverse movepool gave it a super effective attack against every member of Stevens party, although it was forced to switch against Cradily after killing Skarmory, Aggron and Claydol.
Milotic won a 1v1 fight against two of the toughest pokemon in the league in Walrein and Metagross. It managed to land a crucial burn on each of them with Scald. It also beat most of Drakes team.
Hariyama was crucial for Glacia even though I stupidly forgot to restore its knock off PP after it was grudged by Banette. It killed Dusknoir. It also killed Absol, despite switching into an Aerial Ace.
Sceptile was important for many fights of the run, but didnt do a ton in E4, just killing Sharpedo pretty much.
Solrock was excellent the whole run, as it has a strong movepool and elite coverage between Stone Edge, Psychic and Flamethrower. Mine was Timid, which had it outspeeding stuff I never expected.